My role in the library is support for the electronic resources, library technology, signage, and operational analytics to support the library's strategic direction and operational decision making. I am the collection development contact for the board games collection, and enjoy playing all sorts of games. I am fond of MKs, TCKs, and International students but love to talk with ANY student and often can be found doing so.
I am Taylor graduate from 1990 with a B.A. in Computer Science/Artificial Intelligence; have an MLS from Indiana University School of Library Science, and an MA in Higher Education and Student Development (MAHE) degree from Taylor University from 2015.
Interpersonal Style Information
Meyers-Briggs: INTJ/P
DISC Style for Work: Ds/D
---Usual style: Blue (Reflective and systematic)
---Interest: Blue (Innovative, creative, and theoretical)
---Stress: Blue (Tendency toward self-critical and hesitant)
Strengthfinders Top 10: Strategic, Ideation, Connectedness, Individualization, Intellection, Input, Analytical, Restorative, Achiever, Responsibility
Enneagram style: One (a.k.a. The Reformer or The Perfectionist)
I have not published any guides yet - please check back soon!