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Shawn Denny

Information Services and Assessment Librarian
My role in the library is support for the electronic resources, library technology, signage, and operational analytics to support the library's strategic direction and operational decision making. I am the collection development contact for the board games collection, and enjoy playing all sorts of games. I am fond of MKs, TCKs, and International students but love to talk with ANY student and often can be found doing so.

I am Taylor graduate from 1990 with a B.A. in Computer Science/Artificial Intelligence; have an MLS from Indiana University School of Library Science, and an MA in Higher Education and Student Development (MAHE) degree from Taylor University from 2015.

Interpersonal Style Information
Meyers-Briggs: INTJ/P
DISC Style for Work: Ds/D
---Usual style: Blue (Reflective and systematic)
---Interest: Blue (Innovative, creative, and theoretical)
---Stress: Blue (Tendency toward self-critical and hesitant)
Strengthfinders Top 10: Strategic, Ideation, Connectedness, Individualization, Intellection, Input, Analytical, Restorative, Achiever, Responsibility
Enneagram style: One (a.k.a. The Reformer or The Perfectionist)

My Guides

I have not published any guides yet - please check back soon!

My Subject Specialties

No subject specialties have been selected.