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Graduate Studies in Leadership (MA & PhD)

This guide gives an overview of how to use the citation tool Zotero. If you are having difficulties with the tool, try reviewing the support documentation on their website. It is excellent. You can always reach out to a librarian in Zondervan, as well.

ZoteroZotero is an extremely useful resource that helps with citation (and full-text article) collection and organization and bibliography/works cited creation.

  • Easy, quick, open-source (Free) citation manager
  • Works with PC/Mac OS's and Firefox, Chrome, Safari browsers 
  • "Reads" citation data on a web page (icon which allows you to save a citation appears in line with address bar in browser)
  • Format citation in any of 8000+ styles available from Zotero
  • Find help: Getting Your Stuff into Zotero
Zotero Basics

In order to easily add resources to Zotero, you must first download and pin the Zotero Connector for the browser you use. See "Using Zotero - adding an article from a database" for steps on how to do this.

Using Zotero

Master Zotero by Dr. Chinmaya S. Rathore is a multi-video series. You can link to the rest of of Zotero videos here. They are listed as "Master Zotero" in his created playlists.

Here is a great short video from Science Grad School Coach that helps you learn how to use Zotero including: importing citations, organizing citations in folders, and citing them.