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Philosophy & Strategy for Christian Ministries (CMI 421)

This guide provides resources to help support the CED 421 course and assignments.

Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan

Have you ever found a book or resource you wanted to use for a paper but Zondervan Library did not have it?

Interlibrary Loan is a great tool that allows you to request books and articles that Zondervan Library can borrow from other libraries.

There are a few differences between requesting books and articles, both processes are outlined below.

Request A Book

Request a book


  1. Sign Up for an ILLiad Account
    • Sign up for an ILLiad account here. This link can also be found on the Zondervan Library home page under Interlibrary Loan.
  2. Search for the Book using WorldCat Research Station
  3. Use WorldCat's Check Availability option to identify another Library with this title
    • Click on the title of the book, then look for the "Check Availability" bar to view where this title is located. Look for Libraries Worldwide. Immediately below this is a purple button saying: Request Item through Interlibrary Loan.
  4. Place Your Request
    • Once clicked, the button takes you to your ILLiad account. Log in to ILLiad using your Taylor username/password. The information on this record should automatically fill in the request form. Scroll down to the bottom of the form and click Submit Request.

Request an Article

Request an Article


  1. Sign Up for an ILLiad Account
    • Sign up for an ILLiad account here. This link can also be found on the Zondervan Library home page under Interlibrary Loan.
  2. Search for the Specific Article in Database
    • Example using America: History & Life: Journal Title: Journal of Military History. Article Title: Adversary and Ally: The Role of Weather in the Life and Career of George Washington. Author: Cameron Boutin. Date: July 2017. Volume 81, Issue 3, Pages 693-718. 
  3. Check to See if it is in Another Zondervan Library Database
    • Cut and paste the complete journal title into Journal Finder located on the main Zondervan Library page.
    • The Journal Finder will verify that we do or do not own the title in full text in another ZL database or in print. This is an essential step that saves time.
    • If Zondervan Library owns or has access to the item in full-text form, it will not be delivered to you through your ILLiad account. The Interlibrary Loan department may inform you by email that we have access to it, as a courtesy to you, but this is not guaranteed. 
  4. Send Request
    • If Zondervan Library does not have the article, please submit an ILLiad Request. Use the easy-to-find link to interlibrary loan below, which you will find in most EBSCOhost databases:  External Link Icon Borrow this item from another library (Interlibrary Loan)
    • Clicking the link will import most of the necessary information into an ILLiad form. Verify all fields are completed (including Journal Title and page numbers) and then submit the request.

NOTE!: You do not need to pay for any article directly from a publisher. Zondervan is usually able to obtain the item from a college or university for free. In some cases we can purchase on-demand articles as you need them. Let us find it for you!

About DOI's

About DOI's

DOI=digital object identifier

It is a permanent identifier that will take you straight to a document no matter where it’s located on the Internet. When available they are usually part of the citation or on the main or first page of an article.

Before you begin looking for a DOI for your article you should know:  

  1. Not all articles have a DOI number.
    • While the majority of articles published today do have DOI numbers, most older articles -more than two years old-- do not. Some publishers are adding DOIs to older articles. 
  2. While some library databases provide the DOI number as part of the article's citation, this is not consistent across databases. 
    • When you have a DOI number you can use a DOI locator to link you to the article (sometimes in full text or sometimes just the citation.)
    • DOI Locators:
  3. Here are some basic guidelines from APA Publication Manual (6th edition) for citing electronic sources.
    • For print or electronic journals, include the issue number only when the journal is paginated separately by issue.
    • The retrieval date and database information are not needed for articles retrieved from online sources. Instead, include the article's DOI.
    • If there is no DOI, provide the URL for the journal homepage as the second choice. The retrieval date is not required in this type of reference.
    • In the rare instances that the journal does not have its own homepage (such as for older journals no longer in print but converted to online documents), provide (a) the database homepage or (b) the name of the database and the accession number.
    • A retrieval date is only needed in the reference list for nonjournal instances where material might change at a later date.
    • For online newspaper and magazine articles you need not provide the specific page number, retrieval date, or exact article URL. You would provide only the periodical's home page.

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