Have you ever found a book or resource you wanted to use for a paper but Zondervan Library did not have it?
Interlibrary Loan is a great tool that allows you to request books and articles that Zondervan Library can borrow from other libraries.
There are a few differences between requesting books and articles, both processes are outlined below.
NOTE!: You do NOT need or want to order any article directly from a publisher. The access to articles this way is very costly. Zondervan is usually able to obtain the item from a local college or university for free or in some cases we have accounts for purchasing on- demand articles. Let us find it for you, in most cases at a more reasonable cost that what Science Direct, Elsevier or other publishers will charge.
DOI=digital object identifier
It is a permanent identifier that will take you straight to a document no matter where it’s located on the Internet. When available they are usually part of the citation or on the main or first page of an article.
Before you begin looking for a DOI for your article you should know:
Zondervan Library Taylor University 1846 Main Street, Upland, IN 46989 (765) 998-4357