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Zondervan Library: Borrowing Equipment

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Borrowing iPads

Borrowing Equipment


Learn what equipment you can borrow, how to borrow, and access paperwork for borrowing. If you have any questions, please contact the Check Out desk.

iPad Lending Terms

Lending Terms


Equipment Lending Policy and Agreement

Zondervan Library is pleased to provide equipment for circulation.  The following policies refer to the lending/borrowing of the equipment available through the Library. Failing to comply with the Library’s equipment loan policies may result in your equipment privileges being revoked.

  • All users of the Taylor University network infrastructure and University-owned hardware should be aware of and comply with the Acceptable Computer Usage Policy
  • With the exception of the ZON 142 Box which is only for faculty and staff check out, all circulating equipment may be borrowed by current Taylor University students, faculty, staff, and TU retirees.
  • Equipment loan periods for all borrowers are as follows: ZL Room Boxes - 3 hours & General Devices - 3 days.
  • When returning equipment, patrons must hand the item to a Library employee directly and should never just leave it on the Checkout Desk counter, even if a Library employee is present but assisting another patron.
  • Equipment items should NEVER be returned in the book drop.  Any user who places equipment into a book drop will be subject to a $25 fine and all costs associated with damages incurred.
  • Equipment Fee Policies / Repair & Replacement Charges
    • General Equipment Repair or Replacement - Cost will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
    • Processing Charge - A $15 processing fee will be charged for any equipment item that must be replaced.

Computer Usage

Computer Usage Policy


Please visit the University's page outlining the Acceptable Computer Usage Policy for further details.

The Policy's major points are:

  1. All computer and network usage at Taylor University is a part of community life and therefore the Life Together Covenant applies.
  2. All computer and network usage must conform to all University policies and to federal, state, and local law.
  3. Users must only engage in activities within the intended use of their authorized access and the intended use of any system they access. Each shared system will provide specific expectations and priorities of the intended uses for the system. 
  4. Users must be good stewards of the computing and network resources of the University. Each lab and shared system will provide stewardship guidelines for users, as appropriate.
  5. Users of University messaging systems must be considerate of others. Any attempt to send mass messages that are unsolicited and/or not approved by the University is strictly prohibited.
  6. The University reserves the right to limit and regulate any and all usage of its computing equipment and network.
  7. The University reserves the right to pursue disciplinary procedures, up to and including legal action, as required.

Policy effective: January 10, 2001, Date Written/Revised: August 30, 2018

User Agreement

User Agreement


Borrower Agreement

I accept responsibility for:

  • Damage to the equipment intentionally or unintentionally caused by me or another person while it is checked out to my account;
  • Theft of the equipment while it is checked out to my account;
  • Any late fee that I incur for failing to return the equipment promptly before the loan period ends;
  • Any fees incurred due to intentional or unintentional damage, theft, loss, or failure to return.
  • Adhering to any software restrictions placed on the device and to the Taylor University Acceptable Computer Usage Policy.

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