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World Missions Area Studies (REL 432)

This guide is designed to help you locate resources specific to this course and the study of world missions.

Guide Title

World Missions Area Studies (REL 432)


World Missions assignments require very specific types of resources.

This guide:

  • Brings together many of the types of resources you will need.
  • Explains where you can find these resources and how to use them.
  • Provides direct links to Zondervan Library tools that will help you identify them. 
  • Gives links to several helpful video tutorials to explain how to best use resources for study of world cultures.
  • Is designed for REL 432 and anyone else who wants to know about basic resources for world missions.

Best Resources



What do Librarians have to do with it? 

Librarians are available for assistance:      

  • one on one research consultation
  • formulation of research question              
  • search strategy
  • identifying appropriate databases
  • advanced information seeking (beyond Zondervan)
  • help with citations (Zotero)
  • interlibrary loan (ILLIAD)
  • other ideas regarding the literature review/research

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