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World Missions Area Studies (REL 432)

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Recommended Readings

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  1. Brother Andrew and Janssen, Al. Secret Believers - Meet brave men and women who are part of the Church in Islamic countries.
  2. Caner, Ergun. More Than a Prophet: An Insider’s Response to Muslim Beliefs about Jesus and Christianity answers many questions that Christians and Muslims ask, explaining why Christians believe that Jesus was more than a prophet.
  3. Caner, Ergun. Unveiling Islam gives a sympathetic yet uncompromising presentation of Muslim practices, ethics, and beliefs, and a practical strategy Christians can use to open a productive dialogue with Muslims.
  4. Garrison, David. A Wind in the House of Islam documents nine geo-cultural “rooms” in the “House of Islam” and how God’s Spirit is at work in each. The author spent three years traveling the Muslim world to interview and document Muslims turning to Christ and what led them to do so.
  5. Gauss, James. Islam and Christianity is an insightful and interesting contrast between Islam and Christianity, enabling people of all faiths to understand the difference between the two religions.
  6. Geisler, Norman and Saleeb, Abdul. Answering Islam evaluates the claims of orthodox Islam and examines the evidence for Christian counterclaim, preparing the ready with a strong apologetic.
  7. Goode, Reema. Which None Can Shut: Remarkable True Stories of God’s Miraculous Work in the Muslim World.  A compilation of experiences showing God at work in unprecedented ways in difficult Muslim contexts.
  8. Gordon-Chandler, Paul. Pilgrims of Christ on the Muslim Road explores how Muslims can follow Jesus without rejecting their culture. 
  9. Greerar, J.D. Breaking the Islam Code,  Harvest House Publishers 2010, full of helpful information when relating to Muslims.
  10. Hoskins, Ed. A Muslim’s Heart guides believers on relating to Muslim friends.
  11. Hoskins, Ed. A Muslim’s Mind: What Every Christian Needs to Know about the Islamic Traditions.  Most Christians rely on the Qur’an as their primary source for understanding Islam, but the Qur’an doesn’t answer all the questions. However, the Islamic traditions do. This book provides an understanding of these traditions.
  12. Houssney, Georges. Engaging Islam. George Houssney brings a Middle Eastern perspective to Islam and the missionary movement and is founder and president of Horizons International.
  13. Little, Don. Effective Discipling in Muslim Communities. Seventy-five disciplers were interviewed for this book. These mentors have walked the road of discipleship with more than three thousand Muslim-background Arabs.
  14. Loewen, Joy. Woman to Woman: Sharing Jesus with a Muslim Friend. Based upon her thirty years of building relationships with Muslim women, the author honestly shares about her experiences, both good and bad, while including her own fears and doubts.
  15. Mallouhi, Christine A. Miniskirts, Mothers & Muslims – a handbook for Christians seeking to “live honorably among Muslims for Christ’s sake.”
  16. Masri, Fouad. Ambassadors to Muslims: Building Bridges to the Gospel.
  17. Masri, Fouad. Connecting with Muslims: A Guide to Communicating Effectively.
  18. McCord, Kate. In the Land of Blue Burqas. Depicts sharing the love and truth of Christ with women living in Afghanistan, "the world's most dangerous country in which to be born a woman."
  19. Medearis, Carl and Dekker, Ted. Tea with Hezbollah. Candid discussions with leaders of Hezbollah and Hamas, with muftis, sheikhs, and ayatollahs, with Osama bin Laden’s brothers, reveal these men to be real people with emotions, fears, and hopes of their own.
  20. Medearis, Carl. Muslims, Christians, and Jesus: Gaining Understanding and Building Relationships.
  21. Medearis, Carl. Speaking of Jesus: The Art of Not-Evangelism.
  22. Morton, Jeff. Two Messiahs. Apologetics book nicely disguised as a story that sets the Jesus of Islam (Isa ibn am-Maryam) in direct conversation with the first century, historic Jesus of Nazareth.
  23. Murray, Abdu. Apocalypse Later: Why the Gospel of Peace Must Trump the Politics of Prophecy in the Middle East. Instead of debating prophecy and end times in light of Middle East conflicts, Christians should focus on the gospel, which can alone change the hearts of Jews and Muslims. Written by a former Muslim, offers great insight into how to overcome barriers with Muslims and Jews.
  24. Musk, Bill. The Unseen Face of Islam: Sharing the Gospel with Ordinary Muslims at Street Level.
  25. Parshall, Phil. The Cross and the Crescent addresses the question, "How do we as Christians respond in faith and love to the Muslim people?"
  26. Parshall, Phil. Muslim Evangelism challenges the church to analyze Muslim evangelism, forsake former presuppositions, and become conscious of God speaking in a fresh manner regarding method.
  27. Parshall, Phil. Bridges to Islam explores the links which facilitate understanding between Islam and Christianity. The most promising bridges can be found in "folk Islam" which is less known in the West but influences about 70 percent of the world's Muslims.
  28. Parshall, Phil and Parshall, Julie. Lifting the Veil: The World of Muslim Women.
  29. Rosenberg, Joel. Inside the Revolution: How the followers of Jihad, Jefferson & Jesus Are Battling to Dominate the Middle East and Transform the World. The first part is terrifying, the second encouraging, and the third simply amazing.
  30. Qureshi, Nabeel. Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus.  Desicribes Qureshi’s dramatic journey from Islam to Christianity. Gives insight into a loving Muslim home and the inner turmoil involved in the movement toward Christ.
  31. Rostampour, Maryam, Marziyeh Amirizadeh, and John Perry. Captive in Iran: A Remarkable True Story of Hope and Triumph Amid the Horror of Tehran's Brutal Evin Prison.  An inspiring story about the courage, boldness and faith of two young Iranian women.
  32. Shahbazz, Setaareh. Tortured in the Name of Islam is a true story of one woman's heroic battle against fundamental Islam in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
  33. Shelby, Audra Grace. Behind the Veils of Yemen. With only prayer and a faith that always seemed too small, the author departed with her husband and children on a one-way flight to Yemen...deep into the heart of conservative Islam. With honesty and passion, she shares her harrowing journey as a Christian woman thrust into a culture dangerously different from her own. From the friendships she forged, to her gnawing doubt and fear, to her offers of hope when her new friends' religion failed them, she gives us glimpses of a world most have never seen: behind the veils of real Muslim women--and how the grace of God touches lives in the midst of an Islamic stronghold (desc. from Crescent Project).
  34. Shenk, David. Christian. Muslim. Friend: Twelve Paths to Real Relationship. About how to build relationships with Muslims.
  35. Swartley, Keith E. (Editor) Encountering the World of Islam.
  36. Taber, Shirin. Muslims Next Door is an insider’s view of how North American Muslims think and live and goes beyond false stereotypes to provide practical suggestions for establishing friendships.
  37. Trousdale, Jerry. Miraculous Movements: How Hundreds of Thousands of Muslims Are Falling in Love with Jesus. This close look at what the Lord is doing to spread the gospel highlights key scriptural principles that help Christians reach out in love to share the gospel in their own community.
  38. Woodberry, Dudley. From Seed to Fruit expands on the next stage of the ongoing collaborative research and reflections of many people desiring to bless Muslims. Seven additional chapters survey major trends in global Islam today and explore themes that prove to have considerable influence on fruitfulness, including a new chapter on building Christlike relationships with Muslims.
  39. Woodberry, Dudley, ed. Muslim and Christian Reflections on Peace: Divine and Human Dimensions.
  40. Zaka, Anees & Diane Coleman. The Truth About Islam is an examination of the Islamic concept of Truth and compares that to Truth as revealed in the Bible. Demonstrates that biblical Christianity and Qur'anic Islam are two dramatically different belief systems. Features tables comparing passages from the Bible and Qur’an.
  41. Zwemer, Samuel M. Islam and the Cross is a compilation of ten of Zwemer's best chapters, all taken from books long out of print, edited by Roger S. Greenway, who added an introduction providing an overview of Zwemer's life and work.

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