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World Missions Area Studies (REL 432)

This guide is designed to help you locate resources specific to this course and the study of world missions.

Find Web Resources

Web Resources


Check out this collection of best web resources and learn how to evaluate a website.

Other Web Resources

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[Sub Title] Resource/Books


Global Information

Online Mission Resources

Online Mission Resources

Evangelism Resources - Muslim Focused

Evangelism Resources - Muslim Focused

Contextualization Articles

Contextualization Articles

  •  “For Those Involved in the Insider Movement Debate: Perspective from Church History and Scripture,” by Tom Hall III. Evangelical Missions Quarterly, Jan. 2014.
  • “Seeing ‘Inside’ the Insider Movement: 9 theological lenses,” by Leonard N. Bartlotti. Evangelical Missions Quarterly, Oct. 2014.
  • “Where’s Christian: What it’s like to follow Christ embedded in Muslim culture.” by Gene Daniels. Christianity Today. Jan/Feb 2013.
  • “Toward a Greater Unity in Muslim Ministry” by Robert Johnson. Evangelical Missions Quarterly, Jan. 2011.
  •  “Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God?”  Christianity Today interview with Miroslav Volf by Mark Galli, 4/15/2011
  •  International Journal of Frontier Missions issue about Muslim ministry and contextualization
  •  “Discipling the Nations and The Insider Movement Conversation
  • Understanding Insider Movements edited by H. Talman & J. J.

How to Evaluate Sources

Evaluating Sources


While collecting and reviewing sources, how is it determined what is okay to use in academic papers? 

Here are 4 considerations when assessing whether or not a source is right for use in assignments.

  • Author
    • Who wrote it and what are their credentials? What larger organization are they affiliated with? If an author is search in Google, what is found? Is this article in their area of expertise? Can the author or organization be contacted?
  • Bias:
    • Can the angle/slant/bias in the article or on an affiliated web site be identified? What is the purpose of the study or content—to prove something to a particular group? Can the claims be corroborated with at least two other sources?
  • Content
    • Is the source accurate? Are there basic mistakes in grammar, dead links, or spelling? When was it published, posted, or last updated? Does it contain claims that contradict things known to be true or even other claims within the article itself?
  • Support
    • Does the content have citations or sources? Can the source(s) be verified? Do the sources' arguments support the claims of the topic being researched?

Searching Google



How To Refine Google Searches

Read Google's Tips on how to refine searches in their search engine.

Remember!: The first result on Google is NOT always the correct answer or best result. ALWAYS verify the result by using the evaluation Guidelines below.

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